
Donalds, Hunt Say Black Vote is in Play for Trump

Republicans are heading to Philadelphia where they’ll attempt to sway voters with conservative principles over “cognac and cigars.” As President Joe Biden (D) unleashes his Black Voters for Biden effort, Black Republicans are making the case for President Donald Trump (R). Though black voters still largely support the incumbent, Texas Rep. Wesley Hunt (R) assures that black voters are in play.

Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Shevrin Jones (D), is leading the charge on bolstering support from black voters for the incumbent. A recent poll indicated that President Biden has lost 16% in support from the voting bloc, but Chairman Jones argues there’s no reason to worry.

“President Biden has been an absolute advocate and a champion for black people during his president,” Chair Jones said.

Black Republicans beg to differ.

To sway black male voters towards President Trump, Rep. Hunt thinks it’s statistically possible.

“We’re going to places where minority and black brothers are,” Rep. Wesley said during an interview with the Floridian.

At the event titled “Congress, Cognac and Cigars,” Rep. Hunt says that he and Florida Rep. Byron Donalds (R) will discuss “how much better we can have it here in the not-so-distant future if we get our minds right and put President Trump back in office.”

Rep. Hunt discussed the support President Trump received from black male voters in 2020, assuring that President Trump could receive even more support in 2024.

“If President Trump gets between 25% and 30% of the black male vote, Democrats can’t win. In 2020, he got 18.7% of the black male vote. He has 7% to go. If we can get him there this time, it’s over.”

Rep. Donalds, who also feels that President Trump is poised to take the White House in November, called the event an effort of “shaking the political foundation of this country, and I think what people really want is they want common sense, and they want a change from this craziness.”

“Philadelphia’s going to be amazing.”

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina was the Opinion Editor of his high school’s newspaper, and he was also Editor-in-Chief of Miami Dade College’s Urbana literary and arts magazine wherein he also won the 2013 FCSAA Best Fiction Story in the State of Florida Award. He’s currently pursuing his Bachelor’s in English Literature. Hobbies in his free time include reading, writing and watching films and basketball.

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