Rep. Escobar Lauds Funding for Climate Change

Rep. Escobar Lauds Funding for Climate Change

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
March 8, 2023

Texas Representative Veronica Escobar (D) recently took to Twitter to laud the funding going toward fighting climate change.

“The first $250 million out of $5 billion from @EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants are now available! Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, we are providing resources for governments to cut climate pollution and build clean energy economies.” stated Rep. Escobar.

The funding comes from the “Inflation Reduction Act” formed by the Biden administration.

According to, “The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program will provide grants to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution.”

Furthermore, the bill looks to financially support the various groups that fighting against climate change, as well as those who may be affected by it.

“Section 60114 of the Inflation Reduction Act provides an investment of $5 billion to support efforts by states, municipalities, air pollution control agencies, tribes, and groups thereof to develop and implement strong, local greenhouse gas reduction strategies,” reads the bill’s overview. 

The funding will essentially be split into two groups.

The statement reads, “This two-staged grant program provides funding of $250 million for noncompetitive planning grants, and $4.6 billion for competitive implementation grants.”

Escobar recently spent time devoting herself to the assistance of the residents of El Paso, Texas affected by the recent shooting at the Cielo Vista Mall.

The shooting took place across the parking lot from the 2018 mass shooting in the same town.

“Today’s shooting at the Cielo Vista Mall has brought back traumatic memories for many of us. Please know you are not alone,” said Escobar in a tweet. 

She continued, stating, “Call El Paso’s crisis help line at 915-779-1800; there is help for you 24 hours, 7 days a week.”

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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