Rep. Casar Introduces Two Bills to Protect Farmers

Rep. Casar Introduces Two Bills to Protect Farmers

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
July 29, 2023

In an attempt to fight corporate greed and protect farmers, Texas Representative Greg Casar (D) introduced the Agricultural Worker Justice Act and the Fairness for Small-Scale Farmers & Ranchers Act.

The Agricultural Worker Justice Act targets large corporations that take advantage of American workers. The bill requires the companies to pay “decent wages” and provide “safe working conditions” in order to continue doing business with the federal government.

The Fairness for Small-Scale Farmers & Ranchers Act is designed to change the agriculture system to help small farmers and consumers. It would halt mergers of big agriculture businesses and strengthen antitrust laws in the food and agriculture system.

In a tweet, Rep. Casar discussed the two bills.

“Farmers work endlessly to feed our families – they deserve a Farm Bill that puts farmers & workers over greedy corporations. The Agricultural Worker Justice Act and the Fairness for Small-Scale Farmers & Ranchers Act is just one way we're fighting for a pro-worker Farm Bill.”

The Texas representative lamented the change in the food system and stated how it prioritized large companies.

“Our food system used to work better – everyday consumers saw lower prices, and small farmers and ranchers were taken care of. But in the last few decades, there’s been a huge concentration of power amongst the biggest companies, who are making enormous profits at the expense of workers, local farmers, ranchers, and consumers,” said Rep. Casar.

The congressman continued his statements by emphasizing the focus of the two bills.

“These two bills take that on and say, ‘We need a food system that works for everyone.’ Whether you’re working in a food processing plant, making your living as a small farmer, or buying food at the grocery store – our food system shouldn’t just be going to huge corporate profits.”

Rep. Casar wasn’t alone in his support of the bills. He was joined by fellow Texas Representatives Sylvia Garcia (D), Sheila Jackson Lee and many others.

In other news, Texas Representative Wesley Hunt (R) recently reacted to the news that former president Donald Trump (R) received a target letter from FBI agent Jack Smith.

Rep. Hunt has consistently attempted to direct attention toward President Biden (D) and his administration.

In June, Trump was indicted on charges of mishandling classified documents. Earlier in the year, Rep. Hunt attempted to equate President Joe Biden’s (D) possession of around 20 documents to Trump’s possession of 325 classified documents.

“So allow me to remind those who may have forgotten that it was Joe Biden who was illegally in possession of numerous boxes of classified material he obtained both as a United States Senator, and as Vice President. Neither one of those offices afforded him the authority to declassify the material.”

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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