Biden Asks SCOTUS to Resume Cutting 'Inhumane' Razor Wire

Biden Asks SCOTUS to Resume Cutting 'Inhumane' Razor Wire

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
January 3, 2024

Amid a pending lawsuit between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), President Joe Biden (D) has asked the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to allow Border Patrol agents to resume cutting razor wire at the U.S.-Mexico border.

In September 2023, the Biden administration ordered Border Patrol agents to begin cutting razor wire in Eagle Pass. In response, Gov. Abbott put more dangerous wires at the site which some have called "inhumane".

“Texas installed razor wire in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings,” said Gov. Abbott.

The tweet was accompanied by a video that shows men cutting razor wire at the border.

“Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants. I immediately deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings & install more razor wire.”

"The Fifth Circuit ordered the Biden Admin to stop cutting Texas’ razor wire pending our appeal of its initial ruling. AG Paxton and I will hold Biden and Mayorkas accountable for attacking Texas’ sovereign authority and their attempts to obstruct our border security efforts," said Gov. Abbott.

"Accordingly, defendants are ENJOINED during the pendency of this appeal from damaging, destroying,  or otherwise interfering with Texas's c-wire fence in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas, as indicated in Texas's complaint. As the parties have agreed, Defendants are admitted to cut or move the c-wire if necessary to address any medical emergency as specified in the TRO," reads the statement.

However, President Biden hopes that his appeal will counter the Abbott administration's appeal, thus allowing border patrol agents to continue fulfilling previous orders. The president has also claimed that the wires pose a threat to agents who may need to reach migrants.

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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