Texas Politics

Cruz Blasts Biden Border Executive Order: 'He Has Utterly Abandoned the American People'

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) officially released a statement following the executive order made by President Joe Biden (D) to address the border crisis. Some Republicans have declared the move by the president to be too little, too late, while others have completely disregarded the action in its entirety.

The Texas senator accused the Commander-in-Chief of abandoning American citizens.

“The Biden Border Crisis is exacting a devastating toll on Americans and has taken innocent lives like Laken Riley, Jeremy Caceres, and Rachel Morin,” said Sen. Cruz. “While our border is being overrun by ISIS terrorists and cartel criminals, Joe Biden’s top priority is to give amnesty to illegal aliens. He has utterly abandoned the American people.”

Furthermore, Sen. Cruz said that Biden sees illegal immigration as an avenue to increase the Democratic voting bloc in future elections, regardless of the effects of mass migration into the country.

“This amnesty program allows illegal aliens to get citizenship and vote in future elections,” said Cruz. “Make no mistake: Joe Biden views every illegal alien as a future Democrat voter. That is why he is willing to look the other way while Americans are being murdered, our communities are being overrun by crime, and our young people are being poisoned by fentanyl flowing across the border—he views the American people’s suffering as an acceptable price to pay to gain future Democrat voters. Democrats are out of touch with the American people. They have given up trying to persuade American citizens that their ideas are rational and good for the country, and they are instead importing illegal aliens.”

Finally, Cruz attempted to show that President Biden doesn’t care for the border despite his latest executive action.

“Don’t believe the lie that Joe Biden cares about securing the border. His fake ‘border security’ executive order is nothing more than a messaging ploy for the propagandists in the media to push ahead of the November election. On the contrary, he wants our country to be invaded by more illegal aliens, and this amnesty program is the proof. Offering mass amnesty will incentivize more illegal aliens to cross the border and will exacerbate the pain and suffering of the Americans that the Biden administration has left behind,” said Cruz.

Recently, Representative Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) mentioned President Biden’s “meaningless” executive orders despite the border crisis receiving a lot of attention and numbers have decreased.

“I mean, look, you just had eight suspected ISIS terrorists that came over the border. I don't know that they can call it a blackout … The executive orders from the president are meaningless when you have private memos that basically tell CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) not to do their job right,” said the Texas congresswoman.

Jackson Bakich

Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is currently a senior at Florida State University. Growing up in the sunshine state, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee.

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