Dan Patrick Prioritizes Bill that Requires Law Enforcement to Assist with Trump Deportation Efforts

Dan Patrick Prioritizes Bill that Requires Law Enforcement to Assist with Trump Deportation Efforts

Raeylee Barefield
Raeylee Barefield
February 24, 2025

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick (R) joined Fox News’ Laura Ingraham last week to discuss passing Senate Bill 8 to assist the Trump Administration in processing and deporting illegal immigrants who are not authorized to be in the United States.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick believes that left-leaning cities in Texas are persuading their

chief of police not to engage with ICE and the current illegal immigration roundups.

Passing SB 8 will make it so everyone in Texas has to Participate in the Trump administration’s efforts to corral and deport illegal immigrants.

“One of the first things we are going to do is pass Senate Bill 8, one of my priority bills, so that everyone in Texas has to conform with 287 (g) program,” said Lt. Gov. Patrick.

Patrick continued, stating that the 287 (g) program would ensure that law enforcement is trained and has access to a database so that their jailers can turn people over to ICE on a detainer.

In addition, Patrick also brought up how SB 8 will keep liberal city councils from influencing their police chiefs not to engage with ICE and the Deportation process.

“The problem here is that you have a liberal city council, some cities in Texas have a strong mayor form and others have a city manager, and the council runs it, “vocalized the Lieutenant Governor, “So this city manager, and this council, are a far left council and they have told this chief ‘Do not participate with ICE and the roundups.’”

Patrick’s statement comes after Dallas Interim Chief Michael Igo told a crowd that his office would not be assisting federal agencies in detaining people based on their immigration status.

“The departments general order regarding immigration remains in effect and officers can not stop or contact any person for the sole purpose of determining immigration status per department policy,” said Chief Igo

Senate Bill 8 continues to be one of Lt. Gov. Patrick’s priority senate bills for the 2025 legislative session, and he hopes to get it off the senate floor in the following weeks.

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Raeylee Barefield

Raeylee Barefield

Raeylee Barefield is a student at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a degree in Government. She enjoys reading, writing, and cooking in her spare time.

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