Crenshaw Mourns Death of Navy SEALs

Crenshaw Mourns Death of Navy SEALs

“The vessel was carrying Iranian weapons to the Houthis in Yemen (same Houthis that have been shooting those missiles at US ships lately, disrupting global trade).

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
January 23, 2024

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R) is mourning the death of two navy SEALs this week. SEALS Nathan Ingram and Chris Chambers were both killed in action while conducting a night-time seizure of a vessel that was illegally transporting Iranian weapons to Houthis in Yemen. Given the recent tension with the Houthis, Rep. Crenshaw commented on the casualties of war, noting the dangerous environments navy SEALs must venture through.

Taking to social media to bring light to the casualties of war, Rep. Crenshaw informed that the two SEALs “were killed in action in the Gulf of Aden during a ship boarding operation on January 11th.”

“The vessel was carrying Iranian weapons to the Houthis in Yemen (same Houthis that have been shooting those missiles at US ships lately, disrupting global trade),” he adding, detailing that “the seas were rough, and one SEAL went into the water during the boarding. It appears the second went in to rescue his teammate.”

The Texas Republican added context to the environment the SEALs must brave, sharing that a lot can go wrong during the operations, “but we don’t have the details of what happened exactly.”

He then explained that Americans should have a better understanding of what SEALs go through in order to protect “all of life’s comforts and freedoms.”

“Chaos spreads easily and quickly, as history shows over and over. Leaving evil alone doesn’t make it go away. Thank God there are brave men willing to raise their right hand and take on these dangers and protect our way of life,” he expressed.

Moreover, he shared that he takes issue with the term “we are at war,” correcting that “there has never been a ‘we.’” Instead, he expressed that “there is a small number of us, and some, like these two, make the ultimate sacrifice. Their families make an even greater sacrifice than you can imagine.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina was the Opinion Editor of his high school’s newspaper, and he was also Editor-in-Chief of Miami Dade College’s Urbana literary and arts magazine wherein he also won the 2013 FCSAA Best Fiction Story in the State of Florida Award. He’s currently pursuing his Bachelor’s in English Literature. Hobbies in his free time include reading, writing and watching films and basketball.

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