House Repeals DC Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote

House Repeals DC Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
May 23, 2024

The House has voted to repeal a Washington, D.C. law that allows non-citizens to vote in local elections. After a vote of 262-143, the bill now heads to the Senate.

Texas Rep. August Pfluger (R) introduced the bill that would ensure noncitizens do not vote in elections for municipal office or on ballot initiatives or referendums. In 2022, the DC city council approved a law called the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act that would allow eligible noncitizen residents to vote in local elections.

This resulted in a group of DC voters filing a lawsuit that challenged the law, but it was upheld after a federal court ruled that the plaintiffs could not prove that they were affected by the law. Thus, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R) provided a pathway for the repeal bill, calling the DC policy "anti-American" and arguing that the DC city council had diluted the constitutional rights of DC residents.

In a statement, Rep. Plfuger celebrated the passing of the bill, citing that "free and fair elections are a prerequisite for a healthy republic."

"The radical DC Council decision to allow noncitizens—including illegal aliens and foreign agents—to vote in elections dilutes the voting power of the citizen voter. My legislation restores the sanctity of the voting process and ensures that only American citizens are voting in our Nation’s capital."

Fifty-two Democrats voted with Republicans in favor of the repeal bill. Calling those who didn't support it "shameful," House Speaker Johnson slammed House Democrats.

"This should have been a unanimous vote. Instead, 143 Congressional Democrats voted today to allow Russian spies, Chinese diplomats, and illegal aliens to influence elections in the Nation's Capital."

Democratic leadership urged party members to vote against the bill, calling it "undemocratic" and an effort from Republicans to interfere in the city's local affairs.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina was the Opinion Editor of his high school’s newspaper, and he was also Editor-in-Chief of Miami Dade College’s Urbana literary and arts magazine wherein he also won the 2013 FCSAA Best Fiction Story in the State of Florida Award. He’s currently pursuing his Bachelor’s in English Literature. Hobbies in his free time include reading, writing and watching films and basketball.

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