Democrats Rally Against Republican School-Voucher Effort

Democrats Rally Against Republican School-Voucher Effort


Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
February 4, 2025

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) and Republican members of the Texas legislature have vowed to fight for school choice, but Democrats are rallying against the effort.

Republicans have backed the idea of expanding school choice, arguing that it would allow state funding to follow students to private schools, homeschooling, or other alternatives outside of the public school system, but Texas Democrats have derided the effort, calling it a scam.

Instead, Texas Democrats argue that the “voucher scam” would drain resources from already struggling public schools.

Democrats have since taken to social media to voice their disapproval of the effort, calling on Governor Abbott to leave public funding for public schools.

Texas Rep. Vikki Goodwin (D) accused Governor Abbott of attempting to "defund our neighborhood public schools," warning that the program he supports would "siphon our hard-earned tax dollars out of our public school classrooms. Our public schools can’t stay open with vouchers draining their budgets."

Texas Rep. Sheryl Cole (D) also weighed in on the issue, writing on social media that "Vouchers are a scam. That’s why Greg Abbott and his billionaire donors are calling vouchers ‘Education Savings Accounts’ and using misleading messaging like ‘school choice.’

 Don’t let them fool you: voucher scams hurt you and help the wealthy few," she warned.

State Rep. Venton Jones (D), who represents a district with one of the highest concentrations of public schools in Texas, called the proposal an attack on public education.

 "Billionaire-backed voucher scams will steal taxpayer money from OUR neighborhood schools to subsidize private education for the wealthy few," he wrote on X. "While Texas schools face closures, teacher shortages, and budget cuts, voucher scams will defund our classrooms and hand our hard-earned taxes to out-of-state billionaires. Public dollars belong in PUBLIC SCHOOLS."

Governor Abbott and Texas Republicans argue that school choice provides parents with more educational opportunities and fosters competition that will improve overall education quality. But with strong Democratic opposition and deep divisions over the issue, the battle over school vouchers promises to be a major fight in the Texas Legislature this session.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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