Roy Calls Out Republicans, Biden Over Securing Southern Border

Roy Calls Out Republicans, Biden Over Securing Southern Border

The Texas Congressman took to Fox News, sharing his frustrations

Christian Pitten
Christian Pitten
January 5, 2024

Texas congressman Chip Roy (R) recently went on Fox News, voicing his complaints about the GOP. Specifically, Roy spoke about his frustrations with the Republican efforts to secure the southern border.

“It’s time for congress Republicans to step up,” Roy said. This comes after more than 302,000 encounters were tallied in the southwest land border alone for just the month of December. This is more than 4x the number of encounters compared to December of 2021. 


Roy went on to talk about the current state of the country.

“We’re not teaching our kids Western civilization. We’re not teaching our kids to believe in the Constitution and believe in America. We’re not actually forming a capitalistic system where people are coming here for hard work. We’re building up a socialist system with a big safety net that is about to break, and the hard-working people out there – they’re gonna lose what they inherited from their ancestors in this great country,” Roy told Fox News anchor Trace Gallagher.

Roy made it clear that Republicans need to take action regarding border security. “It is Republicans’ job to put up or shut up,” he stated. 

According to the Texas congressman, securing the southern border is a major issue amongst Texans. Roy put out on social media, “I was on a phone call this morning with sheriffs and Border Patrol coalition folks and ranchers… And they said to me, ‘Congressman Roy, you know, we’ve got to shut down the border or yes, you should shut down the government.’”

Republicans weren’t the only group that Roy criticized. According to Roy, “Biden’s border policies are making it easier for human traffickers to profit from exploiting vulnerable individuals.” In a tweet, Roy stated “The Biden Admin should be eyeing MORE deportation flights to EVERY country. Stop incentivizing illegal immigration, stop releasing migrants, and start detaining migrants or removing them.”

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Christian Pitten

Christian Pitten

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