Amid Tax Cut Negotiations Van Duyne Calls Democrats 'Out of Touch'

Amid Tax Cut Negotiations Van Duyne Calls Democrats 'Out of Touch'

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
April 14, 2024

Texas Representative Beth Van Duyne (R) blasted Democratic Congress members as the negotiations on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are set to begin. 

“Democrats are exceptionally out of touch with economic policies that benefit Americans. What we’re hearing today is an old and repetitive story,” said Rep. Van Duyne. “Which, once again, they retreat under their warm blanket of safe space of tired talking points and are scared of the reality that cutting taxes and eliminating regulations would set loose job creators and benefit family budgets.”

“Look, I went to college. I paid for my own way to college. It took me ten years to pay off that debt, but because I’m the one who took it out, I’m the one who benefitted—I paid it off,” said the congresswoman. “Do you know what got me to be able to pay it off? Having a job. Having a business that was successful that could hire people and invest in its employees.”

“I also was a single mom, a mom of two. Guess what? My kids had to have childcare. I paid for it. Guess how I paid for it? I did not ask people who didn’t have kids to pay for it. I didn’t ask the government to pay for it. I actually was a small business owner, and I was able to get clients because these clients were able to make money, invest in their employees and hire people like me. That’s how it gets paid for.”

The TCJA has been criticized for giving too many tax cuts to corporations, with large corporations seeing a 14% decrease in tax rates—going from 35% to 21%. However, the congresswoman stated that the bill helped the country’s economy.

“The TCJA actually grew the economy, and yet in the president’s budget, he’s proposed $2 trillion in new taxes. The only creative idea they have is to tax money that you have not yet received,” said Van Duyne criticizing Democrats.

“In 2025, congressmen will be facing an important choice. Continue the success of TCJA, looking at new ways to be competitive. So, just continuing the work that we’ve done by finding new ways for small businesses to access capital or go back to taxing job creators at record levels,” concluded the Texas politician.

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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