Gonzalez Blasts Congress for Rejecting Bipartisan Border Bill

Gonzalez Blasts Congress for Rejecting Bipartisan Border Bill

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
May 27, 2024

Texas Representative Vicente Gonzalez (D) blasted House Republicans for refusing to back the recent bipartisan border bill.

“Over 100 days ago, Extremist Republicans walked away from the most comprehensive border security deal in decades. Yesterday, they proved, again, that the southern border is just a political tool for them to wield as they see fit,” said Rep. Gonzalez.

The bill tanked after Donald Trump reportedly instructed Republican Congress members to vote against the bill so that he could use the issue to campaign on in the 2024 presidential election. Prior to the drafting of bipartisan legislation, Republicans wanted the bill to be tied to any Ukraine or Israel funding.

However, when the news regarding Trump’s meddling leaked, Utah Senator Mitt Romney (R) questioned the ordeal as he lamented McConnell’s consideration of Trump’s desires.

“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling,” stated Romney.

Later, after Republicans doubled down, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) ripped the Republicans’ move stating that Trump had “told them to do a 180-degree about-face.”

“The contrast between Democrats and Republicans is clear today and will be even clearer in November. Democrats want to fix the border and get something done. Republicans want to give speeches, let the border fester and do absolutely nothing to fix the problem,” said Sen. Schumer.

The bill needed 60 votes to pass, but, because of Republican dissent, the measure failed in a 43 to 50 vote.

The border measure would have extended the president’s ability to stop certain border crossings as well as made asylum rules stricter. These measures are reminiscent of Republicans' earlier requests, yet they have rejected the bill, nonetheless.

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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