Senator Ted Cruz Campaigns in Arizona for Martha McSally's Reelection Bid

David Ward
David Ward
November 2, 2020

Senator Ted Cruz (R) traveled to Arizona on Sunday to campaign for Senator Martha McSally (R) who is up for reelection in a contested Arizona special electionMcSally is being challenged by Mark Kelly (D), a former NASA Astronaut, for the seat that was initially held by the late Senator John McCain. Both Kelly and McSally have been campaigning all over the state in the final days before the election as the polls show this to be a tight race. Cruz's appearance in Arizona is a last-minute effort to rally support for McSally, President Trump, and the GOP. 

Cruz and McSally posted a series of tweets showing the Texas Senator's support for McSally on Sunday. 

This race is shaping up to be one of the most important for the U.S. Senate, as the GOP is trying to hold onto their majority in the senate. Cruz has been traveling all over the state of Arizona, highlighting the importance of this race. Yet, Kelly has raised more money than McSally, and polls show him currently leading in this special election. Cruz's appearance, therefore, might be a last-minute effort to help a GOP incumbent who is lacking behind in the polls behind a Democratic challenger.

This race is well worth keeping your eyes on during election day, as the future of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs. President Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, and the GOP will all be watching this race with intent. However, Democrats are confident that Kelly will take this Senate Seat.

With election day upon us, the people of Arizona will soon show who they choose to be their Senator going forward.









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David Ward

David Ward

David Ward is a reporter for He is a senior at the University of Texas at Austin studying International Relations and Global Studies. David has done Legislative Internship work with the Texas House of Representatives. He also has done internship writing for the Texas Water Journal. In his free time, David enjoys the outdoors and loves to exercise. His plans for the future are unknown, but he is open to many different opportunities.

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