Allen West Says as Texas Governor He'll Fully Mobilize National Guard Along Border

Allen West Says as Texas Governor He'll Fully Mobilize National Guard Along Border

Border crisis continues comprise Texans way of life

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
July 12, 2021

Dallas— During this past CPAC Texas event where the hot issues of the day were Critical Race Theory and the border crisis, former Congressman and current Texas Gubernatorial candidate Allen West spoke to Texas Politics about his first-hand experiences along the Texas border with Mexico, and how he would fully mobilize the Texas National Guard.

West visited the Rio Grande Valley (5) times, holding several Trump-Esque rallies with concerned Texans about dangers that the border crisis brings to the region, Texas, even as national Democrats call for the defunding of the federal border and immigration officers.

TEXAS POLITICS: What do you make of the border crisis, and as governor, what would you do differently than what Abbott is doing?

ALLEN WEST: "We don't have control of the border.  When I was down there and saw illegals just faring right across the Rio Grande, first and foremost you got to get a full mobilization of the National Guard.  The fact that we have National Guard on the border that basically just hand walking illegals, I guess to a border patrol bus and turning them over, that's not how you guard the sovereignty of the state of Texas.

You also got to start looking at how do we tax remittances from illegal immigrants and that's how you can build up a border security fund instead of talking about a Go Fund Me account.  We've got to make sure that we start looking at the fact that the federal government has advocated its Constitutional duty, and its role and responsibility, so how then can we arrest, how can we detain, how can we deport, because this is something the state should have the ability to do which is what it says in the Constitution, Article 1 Section 10 Clause 3, so those are some of the things, I mean everyone talks about building a wall but Texas has 1,200 miles of the border. there are only 145 miles of wall that has been built."

TEXAS POLITICS: If you put the National Guard at the border, what would the rules of engagement be?

ALLEN WEST: The most important this is you've got to interdict these infiltration routes.  When we were there watching the women and children being carried across you can look upriver and see the other lights.  You can see the getaways that no one is going to catch.  So at least if you can put that screen of individuals all along the border they can interdict and stop that type of infiltration so you can reduce the amount of getaways.  But you got to have a deterrent, so right now we don't have any type of deterrent and again I think it's so important from a legislative perspective, a Constitutional perspective, what can Texas do when you have an advocation from the federal government of doing their duty to protect our sovereignty.

TEXAS POLITICS: Should the federal government kickback that money you guys pay into?

ALLEN WEST: Absolutely, and not just that.  We should say we're not sending you some of this money because you're failing to do your job here with the border patrol and failing to do your job with ICE.  We're going to have to take that responsibility, so we're going to have to fund it.  So instead of sending Texas taxpayer dollars to you, we're going to keep you here to do your job.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist. Diverse New Media, Corp. publishes,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant, and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Learn more at Email him at

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