Texas Lawmakers React to Horrific Mass Shooting at Nashville School

Texas Lawmakers React to Horrific Mass Shooting at Nashville School

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
March 29, 2023

On March 27, 2023, an armed individual charged into The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, killing three children and three adults. Texas lawmakers reacted to the horrific mass shooting.

Texas Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D) expressed her shock and disgust with the actions of the shooter and the lack of stronger gun-control legislation.

“A horror! A nightmare! These are the words that come to mind when I think of a parent who receives the call that their child has been the victim of a mass murder at their school.”

“Yesterday in Nashville, TN a mass murderer with two AR-15s and a hand gun killed three innocent children and three adults.”

“There always is a time for prayers and sympathy to be said silently but action needs to speak loudly, that action has not yet been done, which is to ban assault style weapons, something that the majority of the Americas believe should happen.”

“All of us are hurting about what happened to these beautiful and innocent children and we mourn for their families. But, how many more times can we whisper the words of sympathy and do absolutely nothing.”

“This congress must pass sensible gun laws now! And pass legislation to address the crisis of mental illness!”

“America has to stop being known as the capitol of mass murders with more than 100 since the beginning of the year. Stop this violence, stop the proliferation of assault-style weapons, let’s do it for children. Enough is enough!”

Representative Joaquin Castro (D) shared similar sentiments, calling for more laws to protect children from gun violence.

“My heart breaks for the victims of yet another school shooting – this time in Nashville, Tennessee. Families deserve to live without fear of gun violence,” said Rep. Castro.

“Last Congress, we made progress on gun safety laws, but it's not nearly enough. We must do more to protect our children.”

At a near loss for words, Texas Representative Veronica Escobar (D) elaborated on what she viewed as misdirected legislative attention by Republicans.

“What words are left? What else could possibly be said before my Republican colleagues come to the table and work with us to pass meaningful gun safety legislation? The books they're banning aren't killing students in schools. It's the guns.”

“.@JudiciaryGOP canceled tomorrow’s markup on a resolution to make it EASIER to build the equivalent of a short-barrel rifle. Perhaps they were also planning on wearing their rifle lapel pins. The markup was postponed after yet another horrific shooting, this time in Nashville.”

“Don't be fooled - they'll take this resolution up again as soon as the news has moved on, and they're counting on you not to pay attention. Until Republicans put your safety over their NRA cash, we will continue to face deadly and tragic consequences.”

Texas Representative Vicente Gonzalez (D) noted the repeated failures of lawmakers to protect children.

“My heart goes out to the victims in Tennessee. It is our responsibility to protect our children keep our schools safe. We can't keep failing them,” said Rep. Gonzalez.

This is the second school shooting that has taken place in Texas in the last two years. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been committed to stopping immigration and smuggling in the state.

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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