Garcia Stands 'Firmly for Democracy' After Navalny Funeral

Garcia Stands 'Firmly for Democracy' After Navalny Funeral

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith
March 2, 2024

Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia (D) took to social media to express unity with Americans after Alexei Navalny's funeral, and stand against Russian President Vladimir Putin's attack on Ukraine.

“I stand with Houstonians and Americans across the nation in awe of the Russian people who risked their safety to pay their respects to Alexei Navalny. May his memory fuel our resolve to help Ukraine win the war against Putin’s tyranny and to stand firmly for democracy and freedom,” tweeted Rep. Garcia.

Navalny's funeral took place on Mar. 1 in a public event that drew thousands of supporters from around the country. The events surrounding Navalny’s death, leading up to the funeral, were highly controversial as many called for details regarding his death, as well as the location of his body.

Navalny’s mother was told that he died from Sudden Death Syndrome. However, due to Putin’s history of corruption, many doubt if there is any validity or truth to the claim.

Many critics of Putin around the world have blamed him for Navalny’s death. Navalny was steadily outspoken against Putin and his regime. The Putin-critic and political opponent sought asylum with various countries before returning to Russia, where he would eventually be arrested on charges he denied. Navalny was given a 19-year sentence, but he, along with many others, believed that it was a life sentence.

In 2020, the mourned Putin-critic was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent while traveling from Tomsk to Moscow. Navalny survived that attack, but it highlighted the serious threat on his life.

“I don’t know how to live without you, but I will try to do it in a way that you up there are proud of me and happy for me,” said Yulia Navalnavy, Navalny’s widow.

Putin’s attack on Ukraine has caused several leaders around the world to respond in various ways. Garcia took to social media to celebrate Sweden’s recent acceptance into NATO. The approval has been 2 years in the making.

“Thrilled that Sweden has cleared the final hurdle to join NATO. This partnership will strengthen American and European national security interests and underscores our shared commitment to peace and cooperation. Welcome, Sweden!” tweeted Rep. Garcia.

The country was approved after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban voted to accept the group into the alliance. Sweden’s new partnership makes it the 32nd country to join NATO.

“To be a member of NATO together with another country means we are ready to die for each other,” said Orban. “A deal on defense and military capacities helps to reconstruct the trust between the two countries.”

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Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith is a writer and recent graduate, majoring in English.

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