Arrington Blasts Biden-Harris Administration after House Disapproves EPA Mandate

Arrington Blasts Biden-Harris Administration after House Disapproves EPA Mandate

Jackson Bakich
Jackson Bakich
September 20, 2024

House Budget Chairman, Representative Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released a statement following the lower chamber’s agreement to disapprove the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) emissions mandate.

According to the Congressional Research Service, the mandateMulti-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles – “established and modified requirements for certain light-duty or medium-duty vehicles.” These requirements include emission standards, battery durability, and fuel economy standards for cars, trucks, and SUVs under a certain weight.

Rep. Arrington described this Biden-Harris administration mandate as a “climate crusade” against working families.

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s obsession with the Radical Left’s climate crusade and foisting electric vehicles on Americans is adding to the economic hardships of everyday working families,” said Congressman Arrington. “This legislation will repeal their disastrous ‘EV Mandate’ – that aimed to require 67% of all cars and light duty trucks be electric by 2032 – and place purchasing power back in the hands of the American consumer, while cutting down the woke government bureaucracy.”

Moreover, Rep. Arrington recently slammed China for contributing to a “black market” of illicit substances in an interview with Texas Politics. With the rise of counterfeit substances (some laced with fentanyl) such as Xanax, OxyContin, and Adderall, we asked what role the FDA played in this.

Rep. Arrington joked that the FDA “stands for the barriers to innovating to save lives and find cures to diseases.”

The FDA has received significant criticism for not utilizing the necessary resources to inspect the vast volumes of imports into the country, and taking into account the rising cost of drug prices, people have looked elsewhere for life-saving medication.

“It’s not just China. People go to Mexico. They go to Canada where we actually allow the Canadians to sell their drugs cheaper to the people that we produce over here,” Rep. Arrington explained to Texas Politics. “That our taxpayers actually subsidize in this country, so there’s a lot of work that’s supposed to be done on the drug supply chain, but there is no doubt that part of the bottleneck and the bureaucracy at FDA has created this black market because people can’t afford to take care of their loved ones.”

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Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich is based in Tallahassee. Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is a graduate of Florida State University. Growing up in the Sunshine State, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee. Jackson's work has been cited in Newsmax, POLITICO and other media outlets.

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