George Santos Refuses to Resign Amidst Third Attempt to Expel Him

George Santos Refuses to Resign Amidst Third Attempt to Expel Him

Jackson Bakich
Jackson Bakich
November 28, 2023

Earlier this month, the House Ethics Committee completed its investigation into Congressman George Santos (R-NY) which reportedly found “substantial evidence,” of a variety of crimes. Rep. Santos answered reporters when asked about the third attempt to expel him from the lower chamber.

“Look, you all want a sound bite. This is the third time we’re going through this. I don’t care. I was sent here by the people of the Third District of New York. I represent them, not the political class in Washington, D.C. If they want to send me home, if they think this was a fair process, if they think this is how it should be done, and if they’re confident that this is a Constitutional way of doing it, God bless their hearts,” said Rep. Santos.

In the report, the New York congressman was accused of stealing money from his campaign for “personal expenses” as well as a laundry list of other ethical violations including lying about his education, career and family, and “fraudulent business dealings,” according to CBS News.

Santos was then questioned about whether he had spoken to his colleagues to ask for their support.

He gave a fiery response.

“No, I’ve never done it. This is the third time we’ve gone through this. I didn’t do it the first time. I didn’t do it the second time. Not going to do it the third time. Why now? It’s not a good use of my time. Do you know what’s a good use of all of our time, is fixing the massive inflation in this country, is fixing the issues we have at our border? I went to San Diego last week. It is terrible. Terrible. That’s what we should be putting our energy on. Not on censuring one another, expelling one another, witch hunts against the political class, nobody cares,” said Santos.

He concluded, “If this building, if this city put in the effort to fixing our country the same way that they put on expelling me, we’d be in a better place. But this place is littered in political theatre and the American people are the ones paying the price.”

Despite the damning report from the Ethics Committee, Rep. Santos said that he will not resign.

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Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich is based in Tallahassee. Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is a graduate of Florida State University. Growing up in the Sunshine State, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee. Jackson's work has been cited in Newsmax, POLITICO and other media outlets.

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